Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Impeachment Of Andrew Johnson Essays - Reconstruction Era
The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson With the death of Lincoln, the administration fell upon a good old southerner named Andrew Johnson. Albeit a genuine and respectable man, Andrew Johnson was one of the most heartbreaking Presidents. After some time there has been a questionable discussion with regards to whether Johnson had the right to be reprimanded, or on the off chance that it was an illegal endeavor by Congress to encroach upon the presidents authority. The reprimand of Andrew Johnson was politically spurred. The soul of the Jacksonian popular government motivated Andrew Johnson. From this impact he helped found the Democratic Party in his district and got chose for the town board in 1829. In the wake of serving in his town chamber for a long time he was chosen city hall leader in 1831. Johnson was a severe constructionist and a promoter of states' privileges who questioned the intensity of government at all levels. Following his term as Mayor Johnson won races to the Tennessee State governing body in 1835, 1839, and 1841. Subsequent to serving these terms he was chosen for Congress in 1843. As an individual from the US House, Johnson restricted government inclusion in the countries economy through levies and interior enhancements. In 1852 Johnson lost his seat in the US House due to manipulating by the Whig-overwhelmed state assembly. (Jackson) Following his misfortune he returned 1853 to win a thin triumph for senator and served two terms. In 1857, Johnson was then chosen to speak to Te nnessee in the US Senate. While serving in the Senate Johnson turned into an supporter of the Homestead Bill, which was contradicted by most Southern Democrats and their slave claiming, manor constituents. (Kennedy) This issue stressed the effectively tense relations among Johnson and the well off grower in western Tennessee. In the long run the gathering split into provincial groups. Johnson settled on the choice to back the Southern Democratic chosen one, John Breckinridge. At this point the crack among Johnson and most Southern Democrats was too profound to even consider healing. The break became last when Johnson aligned himself with master association Whigs to battle the Secessionist Democrats in his state for a while. At the point when the Civil War started, Johnson was the main Senator from a Confederate express that didn't leave Congress to come back toward the South. During the war, Johnson settled on the choice to join the Republicans in the National Union Party. In 1864, Johnson's huge break came. Lincoln chose him as bad habit presidential running mate on the National running mate. At the point when it came time for Johnson to convey his debut address he conveyed it while intoxicated, loaning assurance to the bits of gossip that he was a heavy drinker. (Kennedy) Even with these gossipy tidbits gliding around it didn't stop the triumph of Lincoln and Johnson in the 1864 political decision. Inside about a month and a half of getting down to business as Vice President, Johnson prevailing to the Presidency after Lincoln's death. Johnson wasn't set up for this position and confronted numerous troublesome choices. Johnson's first troublesome circumstance was building up an approach for the after war remaking of the association. Johnson's Reconstruction Plan permitted the previous confederate states to return rapidly to the Union. This arrangement would have left the social liberties of previous slaves totally under the sponsorship of previous slave proprietors (Kennedy). Johnson accepted severance was illicit. He felt that the Southern states were still in the association and just needed to set up steadfast governments to continue authentic relations with the United States. (Trefousse) Congress didn't have indistinguishable perspectives from the president however, they felt that the freedmen ought to be secured and the intensity of the Republican Party ought to be supported in the South. Since the President couldn't ensure dark common and political rights it made adversaries pass the fourteenth Amendment in anticipation of making sure about them. His proceeded with obstinacy prompted the confining of the Reconstruction Acts, remanding the Southern states to military standard until they emancipated the blacks and sanctioned the change. (Trefousse) Radical Republicans in Congress wrestled control of Reconstruction from the President and started disregarding their own program Johnson's vetoes. The outcome was the entry of the Tenure of Office Act. This demonstration forestalled the President structure excusing authorities designated by him and with the exhortation and assent of the Senate without the body's endorsement. Notwithstanding this demonstration there was the Army Appropriations Act that specified that the President must transmit his requests
Sunday, August 23, 2020
3 Monthly Business Plan Working as a Sales Consultant Essay
3 Monthly Business Plan Working as a Sales Consultant - Essay Example Nowadays, with a right field-tested strategy, a fruitful gambling club business can be built up (Stukey 2011, p. 6). Destinations The reason for this club strategy to be set up in Disbury Manchester incorporates the accompanying: 1. To hold the current and pull in new customers. 2. To draw in coordinate customers. 3. To build benefits made by the club. Foundation Disbury Manchester is a spot with an enormous populace of individuals and a ton of young people and elderly folks individuals. The general economy of Disbury Manchester is acceptable and with an earlier information on the current gambling club business. That implies that everyone thinks about the betting industry and the gambling club business at Disbury Manchester would not be another thing. In realizing ones objective gathering, numerous club have built up explicit customers for their business (Stukey 2011, p. 50). Customers assume a significant job in any business and consequently gambling clubs with numerous customers th at are monetarily steady are the best sort of customers to have. Disbury Manchester being where individuals have the spending power, such has been coordinated in the gambling club business as well and has brought a great deal of benefits. By legitimate notice and promoting systems, numerous club have wound up being fruitful. With a legitimate marketable strategy, any gambling club business could boost its administration and increment its benefits (Stukey 2011, p. 12). Measurable assessment In any betting situation, if in having customers with a higher money related capacity to spend, implies the gambling club business would blast. Such would be pulled in to the gambling club business following the methods expressed beneath. What's more, with appropriate promotion and advertising, a given club business would likewise blast If in a given day, working 24 hours every day, and having an expected customer number of 150 of every a day, the gambling club business could trade out roughly 3,0 00 Euros. Subsequently in a decent month, it could get roughly 270,000 Euros. In the wake of paying its representatives, it could stay with around 100,000 Euros benefit. Accordingly, in 3 months, the club business may make around 300,000 Euros benefit. So as to trade out such benefits, various things must be kept set up. Methods of improving the gambling club business How to pull in participate customers This can be accomplished by heightening on promoting and publicizing efforts. Legitimate promoting for the most part has the impact of drawing in individuals to the betting spot. What's more, by offering free advancements, may in any case draw in some collaborate customers. Recognizing participate customers from contending organizations and offering better spot in your gambling club may likewise be another method of drawing in them (Stukey 2011, p. 60). Heading out your rivals could likewise be another methods for drawing in participate customers to the club. With legitimate promoti ng and notice and any expectations of the gambling club causing benefits, to collaborate customers would not stop for a second to run into that association. Instructions to hold existing and pull in new customers Ensuring that representatives at the gambling club place are straight in the manner they work with customers may likewise help in holding customers. A club with laborers that are well disposed may have numerous clients rushing to their side than that which doesn't have (Stukey 2011, p. 45). Offering advancements to customers may likewise be helpful in holding existing customers and pull in new customers since all individuals love free things. For instance, one may think of an approach to compensate customers who win certain measure of cash, such as giving blessings and vouchers (Stukey 2011, p.88). Having the best possible objective for the gambling club business could likewise affect the quantity of customers one would wish to draw in. In having a different market for your professional the age bunches 20 to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay Writing Tips - What Types of Essays Are Good Expository Essay Samples?
Essay Writing Tips - What Types of Essays Are Good Expository Essay Samples?The best expository essay samples are hard to come by. They are often written by academic experts in the field and will therefore be good at developing in depth discussion on the content of the essay. However, they have to be perfect as they have to communicate the message accurately.Good expository essay samples will be able to read and understand the needs of the students who will be given the essay. And when they do this they will also be able to explore the kind of questions that the students will be asking. The best expository essay samples will then give you the idea of what questions will be asked and when.The best expository essay samples will also give you the idea of what format the essay will be in. Some essays will be long, while others are short. There is also a choice of writing style in a paper, whether you will choose to use formal language or if you will prefer to use informal sentences.Good expository essay samples will also give you an idea of how the essay will be formatted. You can either work with a paper that has a well laid out structure. Or, you can work with a paper that will be in a disorganized manner. But generally the best expository essay samples will be those that follow the standard format of essay that you will find in most colleges.The content of the essay is also important for good expository essay samples. Make sure that you get all the right information needed before you start working on the essay. A good essay requires a thorough understanding of the topic. Also, a lot of information is required to discuss in a paper and a student will only be able to discuss a part of the topic if the rest of the topics covered are covered well too.Good expository essay samples will also ensure that you have the proper knowledge of the different styles that are available in the essay format. The different forms of a paper will differ in the way that they are writt en and how the paper is organized. The other styles will also differ from one writer to another.The different styles in a paper will help you determine which ones to use for your own particular essay. Also, good expository essay samples will also be able to give you the option of using different formats that you might be used to. You may be familiar with the APA form or MLA or the MLA format.These are the things that you need to look for in good expository essay samples. Since there are so many to choose from, it is best to try and find samples that fall into these categories.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Role of Germany in Great War Samples â⬠
Question: Talk about the Role of Germany in Great War. Answer: Presentation The Great War otherwise called the First World War was one of the most grisly and harming wars throughout the entire existence of humankind, in which the nations were separated into two gatherings, or coalitions, the war proceeded for a long time from 1914 to 1918. In the accompanying article, the job of Germany in the episode of Great War is featured. Explicit proof and contentions are shaped and portrayed in the article beneath to give an unmistakable thought regarding the reasons or factors that prompted the occurrence of the Great War. The principal episode which gave a sparkle to the war was the death of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. The July Crisis has been one of the impetuses of the War following which the incredible forces pronounced the alliance. The executing of the Austro Hungarian Loyal was ascribed to Serbian government and its help to the psychological militant substances. The Austro Hungarian Monarchical government didn't leave any stones unturned to choose an intrusio n on Serbia in this respects. These episodes were going on all through July, and was known as July emergency. The Schlieffen plan contrived by the German military boss was another activity that was previously arranged against the episode of the War. Notwithstanding that was the intrusion of Belgium and Luxemburg which would give a free section to Germany so as to continue towards the war against France and Russia. The paper will likewise illuminate the effects of the First World War in Germany. Conversation Germany was one of the significant reasons that had made the First World War occur. The World War started in the time of 1914. Nonetheless, its start was stamped when the French individuals reported the war on Prussia. From the earliest starting point of the 1900s the vast majority of the nation began to reinforce itself and its armys with the assistance of innovative advances and against their particular partner. Contention: A basic no to Austria-Hungarys plan of attack of Serbia, would have left debacle speechless. The homicide of the Archduke and beneficiary to the seat of Austria, Franz Ferdinand on 28th June 1914 in Sarajevo ended up being one of the essential reasons which slung the Great Wars. It filled in as a sparkle to the start of the war. Serbia was a self-administering nation. The unforgiving treatment over Serbia turned into the reason for the death of Franz by the psychological oppressor bunch the Black Hand[1]. The death of the Archduke was brought about by Gavrilo Princip part of the six-part psychological oppressor gathering. The death was planned for disconnecting the South Slav areas of Austria-Hungarian realm. Serbia was given a final offer by Austria-Hungarian government which was dismissed which made the essential explanation start the war. Different nations of Europe had been ensnared in different questions, and thus the nations were consequently separated into two gatherings which would go the war. The Blank check is set apart as one of the notorious scenes in history and an advancement of war[2]. On the date of July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II,the leader of Germany guarantees his countrys unqualified and complete help for whatever activity Austria-Hungary chooses to take in the contention and question with Serbia. This was known as the limitless ticket to ride that Germany gave to Austria-Hungary. Hence, this further raised the strains. This limitless ticket to ride by Germany was one of the reasons for the extraordinary war and hence Germany has been considered as answerable for the slaughter. Following the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the authorities of Vienna chose to rebuff Serbia and assume control over the Dual Monarchy. In any case, the Austria-Hungary required the help of Germany which was clear when they expressed Hoyos two reports to the Kaiser. Austria-Hungary was not in a solid situation to battle with Serbia as the military was in the most noticeably awful state and numerous issues were going on in the realm which was predominantly a reason for the patriotism of the Balkan area[3]. The homicide of Franz Ferdinand was an individual misfortune to Wilhelm. the day when the Kaisers vowed which was named as unlimited authority or limitless ticket to ride by the students of history, denoted the urgent second in the different reasons of the episode of the First World War in Europe in 1914. The contention would not have been conceivable without the unlimited help of Germanys guarantee or affirmation towards any of the reformatory activity on Serbia. The July emergency of 1914 shaped a chain response of occasions terminating the Great War. The chain began with the homicide of Austro-Hungarian illustrious in Bosnia. This occurrence was trailed by the choice of showing a thing or two tyo Serbia by Austria-Hungary which was upheld entire heartedly by Germany, as the Blank Check. Germany likewise swore to sign any records that was required to guarantee that Germany was a piece of the alliance of Austria-Hungary, and the help of Germany would proceed, regardless of whether Russia would turn for war, to achieve the assault on Serbia[4]. Accordingly, the month following the death came to be known as the July Crisis[5]. It very well may be included that the Germans accepted that they were substantially more arranged than the Russians and the French lastly they needed the war to start sooner. At long last, on 23rd which was one month later after the death, Austria-Hungary sent a final offer to the Serbian government comprising of ten word ed requests and a prerequisite to react in understanding inside 48 hours. The Russians were not in the best arranged circumstance, the Germans would be wise to arrangements as far as military may, and weaponry. The circumstance was disorganized and the political elements of the landmass was evolving quick, anyway the Great War began before the finish of the July and early August 1914. It very well may be expressed by examining the present political circumstance of that time, Germans mediation in the emergency between Austria-Hungary went about as an impetus in the principal Word War. German was one of the militarily amazing nations of Europe, the help of Germany had made the Austria-Hungary ruler progressively certain about their assault on Serbia. On the off chance that Germany had not guaranteed its help, and Russia came up as a help to Serbia, Austria-Hungary would not in any way, shape or form assault the Serbian country. This can be identified with the craving of Kaiser Wilhelm II who needed to lead Germany and its capacity to its enormity. Germany previously had an observation that on the off chance that it would bolster Austria-Hungary to assault Serbia, at that point Russia would include shielding Serbia. These would assist Germany with breaking the Russia-France partner, which was normal by Germany[6]. Contention: Germany previously had an arrangement set up for the assault of France and Russia Germany had an alternate technique to overcome and prevail upon France and Russia both simultaneously by breaking the partnership. France was in a time of financial modernization and was developing into national solidarity. It was changing from a country of laborers to present day and assorted economy. France has directed arrangements and remote visits to reinforce its current partnerships with Russia and Britain. The mid twentieth century casually started the arrangement by the Germans to battle and dispatch the Great War. Schlieffens Plan was made route before the death of Austria-Hungary imperial Franz Ferdinand and even before there was any buildup of the incident of the Great War. The Schlieffen Plan was started to anticipate the war against France and Russia, made or structured by the German Chief Count Von Schlieffen[7]. It was a kind of fight plan which was drawn up by the Germans to shield the triumph already against France and Russia. At the point when Germany had been planning to dispatch hostile on France, and perhaps Russia was a piece of their system also, Russia was occupied with a war with Japan in its eastern front. The Russo-Japanese war created out of the contention among Russia and Japan with respect to the strength of Korea and Manchuria. Russia was attracted the War on account of its capacity and capacity and the mistake of decisions like military arrogance and enough of trust in the unions which was not required. The War began when Russia put focus on China to give a rent for the deliberately significant port of Port Arthur, in southern Manchuria, in the time of 1898. During These procedure, Russia had finished up a partnership with China against Japan, which prompted winning the rights to expand the Trans-Siberian railroad across China and Manchuria to the Russian seaport. Subsequent to building the Trans-Siberian railroad still, they needed the transportation offices which got important to fortify t he military in Manchuria. This was when Japan chose to dispatch a hostile against Russia, as the coalition with China had brought about its security concern. There were numerous assaults on different events, and the Russian armed force was in the back foot, as its military readiness was not sufficient. This was one of the causes which debilitated Russia financially and militarily, and Germany got an advantage in its undertaking in the Western front of Russia to do as it needed with France and Serbia. The Germans planned that in the event that a hostile was propelled only, at that point on the western boondocks of Russia, at that point the Russians would set aside impressive effort to assemble its military from the eastern wilderness, and till that time France will be caught and the German armed force can walk further towards Russia. Military calamities at Tannenburg had significantly debilitated Russian armed force in the underlying phase of the War. The absence of authority and arm ed force gear was a downside to Russia which was not in favor for the Great War against Austria-Hungary and Germany partnership. Germany needed a huge European war which was just conceivable after the inclusion of the incredible powers in the Great War. From the outset, the war was just started to break Russia-France partnership which was a readied arrangement by the Germans much before the death had taken place[8]. Contention: Invasion of impartial Belgium
Expanding Business to Singapore Research Proposal - 1
Extending Business to Singapore - Research Proposal Example As of now the patterns of business tasks the executives have noticeably tilted underlining over contemporary propelled factors that remembers center for globalization, effective on time creation, flexibly chain viability, imaginative methods for item improvement, client arranged altered creation, authority development by representative strengthening and moral consultation with natural cordial activities. Singapore, that was a fundamental focal point of the examination proposition is a satisfactory decision for universal business extension on the grounds of great highlights of smaller scale condition. The motivation behind this examination proposition is to adjust the data and casual qualities for organization development under a characterized methodology to think of the best outcomes as far as benefit and manageability. In this way, it very well may be expressed that a proficient tasks the executives can be accomplished through endeavors to upgrade the capability of an association th rough extraordinary execution in every one of the business work. The scientist gives PEST Analysis on the subject of Aspects of Macro Environment just as the examination of Strategic administration and corporate open issues. In this way, the activities the executives of late occasions can be acclaimed unmistakably additionally testing on account of cutting edge innovation of building, money, showcasing and data framework methodology. What's more, the alterations have additionally enhanced business manageability by methods for huge component, for example, scope quantification and estimating.
Friday, July 10, 2020
British Lit Essay Topics
British Lit Essay TopicsThe British Lit Essay Topics provides us with some truly unique and exceptional tips for essay writing. These writing tips are ideal for students who wish to write an essay on some particular area, such as Literature, History, Technology, History, Science or Politics.The British Lit Essay Topics can also be used by any student who wishes to know about a particular topic but is unsure about where to start. We have compiled a series of tips that will help you prepare a list of British Lit Essay Topics to research and to discuss with your English teacher.Let's look at the first question, 'What are some topics or areas of British Literature or History that interest you?' This is probably the easiest and most logical approach to research. By taking a trip to the library or flipping through a newspaper you may be able to come up with a number of topics. For example, some interesting topics to consider are: James Joyce, Charles Dickens, Bram Stoker, Anne Frank, Emily Brontë, Oscar Wilde, Emily Brontë, W. B. Yeats, Anthony Trollope, George Orwell, Lionel Tiger, Mary Wollstonecraft, William Morris, Patrick Leigh Fermor, William Morris, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and Beatrix Potter.Remember that there are many more essay topics to choose from, depending on your personal interests. Even if you are not interested in a particular area, it is highly likely that you will end up researching several topics just because you are interested in reading, writing, researching, and thinking about something.The next tip is for those students who feel that they have more questions about British Lit Essay Topics that needs answering. Here are some things to think about before starting your research. Consider how important the topic is, whether or not the topic is current, how many years has it been around, and whether or not the topic is new to you.There are some essay topics that are of no particular interest to you, for example; International Politics, or Canadian Lit Essay Topics. If you want to explore something like International Politics, your research should be geared towards World War I, World War II, and World War II. After all, these topics all pertain to international politics.All of these essay topics are important to the study of literature. However, there are other areas of British Lit Essay Topics that are of significant interest to you. If you are interested in a particular topic and you are unsure of what the topic is, your best bet is to start with the British Lit Essay Topics.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
How to Impress Your Professor
So youre starting college soon and youre thinking, how do I impress my professors? Here are a few things college professors are looking for in a good student. Impress your Teacher with Your Initiative This is especially true in a seminar class where many class discussions take place. If you are quick on your feet and contribute as many thoughtful ideas as you can, your professor will really appreciate that. Initiative can also mean it is clear to your professor that you come to class prepared having done the readings or homework. Show Your Professor Your Dedication Say you understand a concept taught in class fairly well. Well enough to get a good grade on the exam or to do well on an essay. However, true dedication would be to go to your professors office hours to fully understand a concept and to learn more than is necessary for the test. This leads me to the next thing professors look for. Demonstrate Intellectual Curiosity in Your College Course Your professor wants to see that you are fully immersed in their class and the coursework. When you begin asking the right questions and learning more about the topic than is necessary, your professor will be pleased. Show your professor that you are interested in learning for the sake of learning and your professor will begin to really open up to you. In college, wooing your teachers is really not necessary to get a good grade in a class. However, if you meet a professor you would really like to build a relationship with, show them that you care about their class and learning. Initiative, dedication, and intellectual curiosity can take you far.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Rape And Sexual Assault Case - 810 Words
who commit a sexual offence while 90% are women who are the victims to above-mentioned assault (Brennan Taylor-Butts, 2008: 10). Moreover, most of the sexual assaults go unreported, but the ones that do get reported, less than half of them get a conviction. If only 10 % of sexual assaults are reported, from that 10%, only 1 in 4 get convicted for their crimes (Butt, 2013). A study done in Winnipeg in the mid-1970s showed that more than 70% of charges were filtered out of the criminal justice system, 20% were reduced to lesser charges, and only 10% of original charges resulted in convictions (Gunn Minch, 1988). A sexual assault or even a sexual relationship between two consenting adults is a very hidden act; meaning most of the time there could be no other witness or little hard evidence. In this situation, the testimony of the victim is very crucial for the prosecution of a sexual assault case (Walsh, 1987: 1129). There are many external and internal barriers that could discourage the victim from proceeding to convict the accused for his crimes. External barriers such as, the formal atmosphere in the courtroo m during the trial; victims could be intimidated by the rigid rules; reliving the horrific experience and facing the assailant; or the court trial may come at a time when the victim has begun to move on (Best Practices, 2013: 61). Furthermore, internal barriers such as myths and gender stereotypes could also demotivate the victim from testifying in court against theShow MoreRelatedAcquaintance Rape And The College Social Scene1595 Words à |à 7 PagesAcquaintance Rape and the College Social Scene In Acquaintance ââ¬Å"Rape and the College Social Scene,â⬠the authors, Sally K. Ward, Kathy Chapman, Ellen Cohn, Susan White and Kirk Williams, main purpose was to report on a study they performed of the cases of sexual assaults at a specific college campus. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research On Subjective Experiences Of A Social...
doctoral study proposals. Qualitative researchers focus on subjective experiences of human beings in a social environment, based on individual perspectives (Liamputtong, 2010). Qualitative research deals with interpretive data from natural settings and individual perceptions and experiences (Erlingsson Brysiewicz, 2013). Researchers should be aware of the different experiences of the participants in the study (Erlingsson Brysiewicz, 2013). A qualitative method allows a researcher to assess the qualities of participantsââ¬â¢ lived experiences in an inductive process that relates to theory development (Peredaryenko Krauss, 2013). A qualitative method is appropriate for this study because it will help me to become knowledgeable about the experiences, processes, and events of consultants and executives in small retail storefront travel agencies (Bluhm, Harman, Lee, Mitchell, 2011). According to Bettiol et al. (2012), a qualitative method is useful for exploring marketing in bus inesses and understanding business activities in companies. A qualitative method is beneficial in determining how small businesses market products and services (Oââ¬â¢Donnell et al., 2011). Quantitative research methods comprise surveys: questionnaires or interviews and experiments: field or laboratory. Surveys are the primary method of quantitative research. Quantitative studies use statistical analysis to determine if significant differences exist between groups (Carpenter, Harding,Show MoreRelatedThe Theoretical Methods Of Quantitative And Qualitative Methods Essay1652 Words à |à 7 PagesThe sociologist is interested in understanding the self, other, and social environment, questioning and searching for an interpretation of the common, everyday, and taken for granted. 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Rite of Passage Essay - 675 Words
In Conrad Philip Kottakââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Rite of Passageâ⬠he mentions the three stages of a rite of passage. Anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep defines these stages as Separation, Margin, and Aggregation. Victor Turner, another anthropologist, focused on Margin, which he referred to as liminality. Not only can a rite of passage be an individual experience, but it can also be a communal experience which Turner called ââ¬Å"communitas.â⬠Many of us experience this ââ¬Å"communitasâ⬠in different ways such as my Hispanic culture that experiences quinceneras. Quinceneras are a rite of passage for young girlsââ¬â¢ transition from adolescence to womanhood. I for one never experienced this rite of passage. In my culture it is traditional for a young girl to go through theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦As a Latina girl, I grew up thinking I was going to experience the most memorable night of my life once I turned fifteen but that was not the case. At thirteen I knew that once I turned fourteen I needed to start planning everything out a year ahead. It is August 13 and I am officially fourteen and Iââ¬â¢m excited because now I can start planning with my mother but she breaks news to me that she canââ¬â¢t afford this rite of passage. At first my only thought was ââ¬Å"I hate this! All my friends are having a quince, why canââ¬â¢t I?â⬠and I remember just loathing the fact that I wasnââ¬â¢t able to have one for quite some time. I understood where my mother was coming from. She was a single mother and was raising two other children other than myself so it must have been hard to say ââ¬Å"No, you canââ¬â¢t have a quince.â⬠She would tell me how much she wishes that she would have thrown the biggest party for my rite of passage. As the year passed me by it gave me time to think and time to realize that it did cost money to throw such a festivity and that itââ¬â¢s not as important as many traditional Latinos see it. All I really needed when I turned fifteen was my family and most of all my mother who raised me to be a reasonable, smart, mature woman. What I learned from this experience was that I didnââ¬â¢t need a big party to know that I made the rite of passage to become a woman; all I needed was those who were close to me, responsibility andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Rites of Passage1580 Words à |à 7 Pagesï » ¿ Rites of Passage Although there are many different types of rites of passage they differ in many ways, some much more extreme than the others. There are so many different cultures that have a ton of different ways of expressing rites of passage. The three different cultures that will be discussed are the United States of America, Malaysian, and Balinese adolescents. 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Basically, anything meaningful that happens within their tribe such as the birth of a child, the entranceRead MoreRites of Passage: The Journey to Adulthood1126 Words à |à 5 PagesRites of Passage: The Journey to Adulthood The dictionary defines rites of passage as ceremonies that mark important transitional periods in a personââ¬â¢s life. It usually involves rituals and teachings that help shed their old roles and prepares them for their new roles. Although all boys and girls will go through a rite of passage to be considered an adult, the path they will take will differ greatly. 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People from around the world celebrate birth ceremonies, puberty ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, or death ceremonies, as part of their culture. These ceremonies mark the transition of peopleââ¬â¢s lives when they move from one stage to another. In Apache tradition, when a girl has her first menstruation, her parents and her relatives prepare forRead MoreRites Of Passage, By Arnold Van Gennep1547 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction Rites of passage are rituals or events which are universally conducted for a variety of cultural, religious and social reasons. Grounded in everyday life, ritual is symbolic and emotional providing a transition of knowledge, behaviour and status, as Audrey Richardsââ¬â¢s wrote, ââ¬â¢the use of symbols in ritual secures some kind of emotional compromise which satisfies the majority of individuals who compose a society and which supports its major institutionsââ¬â¢ . These rites of passage, rituals or
Teacher Job Satisfaction in a Secondary in West Kazakhstan
Question: Discuss the factors that affect the job satisfaction of teachers. Answer: Introduction In order for any education system to be successful, it must have highly motivated and satisfied teachers. Teachers are the main drivers of knowledge in schools; they are the catalyst between students and knowledge. They are the pivot on which the entire education system rests, or better still, the backbone of education. In ancient India, they were compared to gods and regarded as perfect beings. Teaching was also regarded as a sacred and holy duty. (Rao, 2003: 116). However, today teaching is not regarded with same respect. In fact, in comparison to professions such as: medicine, engineering, and law, teaching is a lower ranking profession. Teachers do not enjoy the same respect and status of doctors or lawyers. This coupled with others factors has affected negatively on their morale and esteem. For example, they are the least paid compared to other professions (Rao, 2003: 116). Teaching has been degraded over time, and this has led to negative attitude towards the profession. Teachers no longer feel great and all-knowing, as they used to feel in the old days. Most teachers would attest to the fact that, they are not proud to be teachers. And given any other chance, will abandon the profession. Some studies have shown that about 29% of teachers leave the profession after the first 3 years of service, while others show that about 50% leave the service after 5 years (Bilz, 2008). This certainly is a worrying trend. In any venture, happiness and job satisfaction is the key. When people are happy and satisfied with what they are doing, they are likely to be more productive. There is no other place where this is more applicable than in the teaching profession(Qualls, 2008: 78). Teachers with a high job satisfaction bring enthusiasm to a classroom: impacting positively to the learning environment. Therefore, job satisfaction is very critical to the motivation of teachers, and increasing their productivity. It is in this regards that this study was done: to understand the main factors that affect teachers job satisfaction. Methodology In this study, questionnaires were used for data collection. They were structure in a way that they would not take more than ten minutes of the respondents time. Also the anonymity of the respondents was guaranteed. Findings and discussions Profile of respondents In this study, 53.3% of the respondents interviewed were female, while 46.7% were male. The age category of the respondents was as follows: between 20-29 years, they were 33.3%; between 30-39 years, they were 40%; between 40-49 years, they were 20%; and above 50 years, they were 6.7%. This data shows that most of the teachers are young: between the 20-39 years. These are the most active and productive people in the society. Our motivations shape our ethics at the individual and professional level. It is the driving force behind successful ventures (Sercombe, 2010). This is especially true for young people without experience. Most of the teachers, about 33.3%, have teaching experience of more than 15 years. While 26.7% have 1-5 years experience, and the rest have each 20%. From the data it seems that most of the teachers that have a lot of experience, and remain in the teaching profession compared to those with 5-15 experience. While those that are new to the profession are also many: about 26.7 %. This shows that there are some factors that lead the percentage of newly recruited teachers to reduce from 26.7% to 20%. It seems as though most of the teachers leave the profession when they have worked for about five years maximum. However, teachers who have worked in the profession for long, seem to have adapted to the challenges and therefore have the highest percentage. Analysis of job satisfaction level When the respondents were asked the extent of their satisfaction on teaching. Only about 20% are dissatisfied. Some of the reasons given are: a lot of paper work; limitations such as unavailable individual room for foreign languages study. Also challenges posed by large groups of students, which are difficult to handle. Some are young teachers and expect more support from experienced teachers and feel that they are subjected to a lot of pressure from the administration, and students that do not want to learn. Other disgruntled teachers cite low salary and too much pressure, not just from the administration, but also from students and parents. The main reasons that comes out clearly is that teachers are unhappy with too much paper work (they feel that it is unnecessary), pressure from students, parents and administration and unnecessary inspections. 46.7% of the respondents were satisfied. Some of the reasons cited by the satisfied teachers were: some feel that they are useful for their students and parents respects them; some have been assigned higher positions such as deputy principal, which motivates them since they feel it is more prestigious than just teaching; others cited a good salary as the main reason why they were satisfied. But what came out clearly is that most of the teachers are satisfied because of the job environment: good pay, promotion and enjoy collaborating with their colleagues. About 33.3% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, they were indecisive. This is mainly because they felt that their satisfaction depends on the job situation. Sometimes they are satisfied and sometimes they are not. Therefore they understand the dynamics of the teaching profession, and can neither complain nor praise the profession. Factors leading to job satisfaction The main factors that lead to their job satisfaction are, students interests in the subjects taught, and the working environment, with a percentage of 66.7. This are followed by opportunities for training, at 46.7 percent; sufficient positive feedback and opportunities for promotion at 26.7 percent; autonomy to make changes and job security at 20 percent; and pay salary at 13.3 percent. This shows that, teachers are mostly not motivated by a higher salary, but on students interest in their subjects and a good working environment. Generally, teachers are more satisfied with their job when they are given the freedom and a conducive environment to teach (Wilches, 2007: 245-275). Teachers should be given full control and freedom to teach: this would in essence give them confidence and job satisfaction. Factors leading to job dissatisfaction The main factor for job dissatisfaction, which was reported by 73.3 percent of the respondents is low pay/salary. This is followed by the pressure to meet deadlines at 46.7 percent; too much work and lack of time for family and home are reported by 26.7 percent of the respondents; lack of promotion opportunities, poor students behavior level and lack of autonomy are reported by 13.3 percent of the respondents; and 6.7 percent of the respondents reported, school management, job security and lack of training and development opportunities, are the main challenges. This clearly show that, teachers are demoralized by low pay. They feel as though their profession is not valued, which makes them dissatisfied. low pay makes teaching seem like an inferior profession (Anastasiou and Papakonstantinou, 2014: 37). Most of the teachers do not think that, lack of training, job security, and school policy and management, have a major negative effect on their job satisfaction. Reasons for leaving the teaching career When the respondents were asked whether they had ever considered leaving the teaching profession, most of them (about 86.7 percent) answered yes. Only about 13.3 percent answered no. This clearly shows that majority of the teachers are not satisfied with the profession and given an alternative, they would gladly leave. When asked why, about 92.3 percent of the respondents, reported low pay as the main reason. Followed by 53.8 percent who reported lack of opportunity to progress. Again low pay is seen as the main factor that affects job satisfaction. A study that was done by (Madi Abdullah and Uli, 2009: 10) also showed the same statistics, depicting low pay as the main factor that makes teachers dissatisfied with the profession. Factors affecting their work-life balance Most of the respondents (about 93.3 percent) reported that less unnecessary paperwork would improve their work-life balance. Followed by less pressure on inspection visits. Studies show that most teachers report that being observed and evaluated causes them to have negative emotions (Tun et al., 2015: 554-568). When teachers are subjected to stressful working conditions that might not be necessary, such as unnecessary paperwork and stressful inspections, they are demoralized. Teachers should be given the freedom to teach and provide guidance to students without unnecessary interruptions. These stressful conditions affects their both their working conditions and their life outside school. Chances that they would be working as teachers in ten years of time Most of the teachers do not know and are uncertain as to whether they would be working as teachers in 10 years of time. This was reported by 60 percent of the respondents. Only 40 percent answered that they would still be working as teachers. When the working conditions are not conducive for the teachers, it is obvious they would want to seek greener pastures somewhere else, and that is why most of them are not sure whether they would be working in the same profession for more than 10 years. Suggestion on what the government should do to improve the experience of teaching About 93.3 percent of the respondents reported that they would like the government to restore national pay and conditions. While 73.3 percent would want the government to give teachers more freedom over what and how they teach. This is in resonance with other studies that showed that teachers classroom autonomy is an important factor in the determination of the level of job satisfaction (Walker, 2016). The government should in this case review teachers salary and working conditions, in order to improve on their job satisfaction. Teachers are very important people in the society and they need the governments support: to listen to their grievances and act in their favor. Conclusion From this results it can be noted that most of the teachers are comfortable with the profession and only a small percentage is unhappy. This can be interpreted to mean that the majority of the teachers are happy and enjoy working as teachers. However this cannot be used to ignore the minority who are dissatisfied. It is important to understand the reasons why they are discontented. This is because discontented teachers are usually demoralized to work, and as discussed in the paper, affects negatively the learning environment in a learning institution (Moore, 2012: 2-6). References Anastasiou, S., Papakonstantinou, G. (2014) 'Factors affecting job satisfaction, stress and work performance of secondary education teachers in Epirus', International Journal of Management in Education, Vol.8, no.1, July, pp.37 Bilz, J.A. (2008) Job Satisfaction and Teacher Career Stages,[Online], Available: [15 July 2016] Madi Abdullah, M., Uli, J. (2009) 'Job satisfaction among secondary school teachers', Jurnal Kemanusiaan,Vol.13, Jun, pp.10 Moore, C.M. (2012) 'The Role of School Environment in Teacher Dissatisfaction Among U.S. Public School Teachers.' SAGE, Vol.2, no.1, February, pp. 2-6 Qualls, L.A. (2008) 'Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Two Selected Milwaukee Charter Schools', Capella University, United States of America, pp. 78 Rao, D.B. (2003) Job Satisfaction Of School Teachers: Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.116. Tun, B., nand, Y., Gndz, B. (2015) 'Inspection and teachers emotions: An emotional evaluation of inspection', J. Hum. Sci. Vol.12, pp.554568. Walker, T. (2016) Teacher Autonomy Declined over Past Decade, New Data Shows [Online], Available: [15 July 2016] Usma Wilches, Jaime. (2007) 'Teacher Autonomy: A Critical Review of the Research and Concept beyond Applied Linguistics'. kala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, num. Enero-Diciembre, pp. 245-275.
Financial Accounting Budget for Operational And Behavioural Benefits
Question: Describe several operational and behavioural benefits that are generally attributed to a participative budgetary process. Identify at least four deficiencies in Jack Rileys participative policy for planning and performance evaluation purposes. For each deficiency identified, recommend how it can be corrected. Answer: Describe several operational and behavioural benefits that are generally attributed to a participative budgetary process. Budgetary process refers to the system with which the government creates and approves budget. Budgeting is the means to allocate funds and limit of expenditure for a particular department. It set a limit and allocates particular amount for working and development of a particular department or sector. It is a very important tool which helps the organisations and also the government to have a check on funds utilised. A budget if properly prepared helps to provide operational and productive efficiencies in all divisions of an organisation (Horngren, 2013). There are both behavioural and operational benefits of budgeting process. The behavioural benefits of budgetary process involves that it ensures that all the important issues in connection with an expense are included. This process also helps to ensure that the employees understand the importance of their roles in meeting the organisations goal and they put in more effort to fulfil their responsibilities. The budgetary process provides the organisation with an opportunity to solve problems which are most of the time not noticed by anyone (Drury, 2011). The employees are also motivated to fulfil their goals with the help of budgetary process; it gives them an initiative and a goal with the motivation to achieve it. The most important benefit of budgetary process is that it makes the people at all levels in an organisation feel that their opinion is important to the top management in their decision making. The operational benefit of the budgetary process is that it helps to improve the effectiveness of the spending by creating better investment opportunities for the organisation. With the flow of time, the management gets used to budget and actual figures, which helps them create budget which are very accurate. The budget process strengthens the overall financial planning of an organisation (Drury, 2011). Therefore we see that budgetary process not effects the finance department but it also helps the organisation to improve its operational effectiveness. The budgetary process helps the organisation improve all its functions by cutting expenses and investing more wherever required (Williams, 2011). The whole process of budgeting helps to provide control over ones money and focus on money goals by involving participation of all the levels of an organisation. Identify at least four deficiencies in Jack Rileys participative policy for planning and performance evaluation purposes. For each deficiency identified, recommend how it can be corrected. In the above problem we see that Jack Riley believes that participation from all the divisions would motivate its managers and help to improve productivity. Though his contentions are correct, still there lie a few deficiencies in Jacks planning. The first deficiency which can be easily noticed is that the appropriation Target for each division seems to be arbitrarily determined. In order to overcome this deficiency, Mr, Riley can use appropriate methodology in order to determine appropriation target for all the divisions. Allocation made to the divisions should be made on basis of their performance, input/output or future possibilities of expansion (Graham Smart, 2012). Therefore, the appropriation target is required to be more properly defined. Secondly, we see that there is lack of quantitative analysis for performance evaluations and financing. For example, sales can be taken as the basis of performance evaluation. The division with the most proper quantitative performance evaluation should be rewarded. Therefore, the organisation should develop a quantitative measure to evaluate fiscal performance and evaluations, and use them for allocation and distribution of rewards for the division with best performance (Albrecht et. al, 2011). Thirdly, in Mr. Rileys approach we see that it lacks the point that fiscal responsibility could be encouraged as a method of performance evaluation procedure. In order to make fiscal responsibility a tool for performance evaluation procedure, the share of financial savings should be distributed with the mangers that are more fiscally responsible (Albrecht et. al, 2011). This can be done with the help of bonus programmes. Lastly, we can say that the division managers may be arbitrarily determining their department budgets. The mangers should be recommended to use the minimum level approach which is most suitable to their respective divisions. Preparation of individual budget is as important as the total budget. Any miscalculations in individual budget will affect the overall financial plan of the organisation (Graham Smart, 2012). Therefore above are the few deficiencies and recommendations for the same for Jack Rileys approach for budgetary process. If they are effectively implied then it may be advantageous to the whole division of social services for the state. References Albrecht, W., Stice, E. and Stice, J. (2011). Financial accounting. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. Drury, C. (2011).Cost and management accounting. Andover, Hampshire, UK: South-Western Cengage Learning. Graham, J. and Smart, S. (2012) Introduction to corporate finance. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Horngren, C. (2013)Financial accounting. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Australia Group. Williams, J. (2012).Financial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Why Running is the Best Sport Essay Essay Example
Why Running is the Best Sport Essay Paper A great fraction of people on the planet play a sport. Most people prefer to play a team sport to satisfy their needs and for many social reasons. However, although running is not a team sport, it is the best sport out there. Running is the best sport ever because its a way to keep your body in shape, it gives you a great rush after youre finished and because it improves your health. Running is the best sport because it is a great way to keep your body in shape. The sport keeps you up and owing, when commitment is shown. Instead of being a couch potato and watching television every night, a scheduled routine for a daily run could be substituted. Not many people see running as a workout, but It Is. A short, 20 minute easy run can already burn 250 calories. If running becomes a regular activity, those workouts can lead to tremendous changes In weight. Lastly, running Is a great way to train for other sports such as soccer, hockey, baseball, and even basketball. Once your body Is use to the fast pace, heavy breathing and an Increased heart rate type of workout, Its owing to be prepared for any other type of activity involving fast pace, heavy breathing and an increased heart rate. In conclusion, running has many ways it can keep your body in shape. In addition to keeping your body in shape, running can give you an exceptional rush once its completed. A run can make you feel like you accomplished something, whether its beating a previous time or Just simply finishing the run. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Running is the Best Sport Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why Running is the Best Sport Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why Running is the Best Sport Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer These things can really make you feel confident and put you in a better mood. Running can also clear your mind after a long day. Some people say they lose themselves thinking during their run, which helps them flush out any thoughts in their head. The addition of the great outdoors Is also a way running makes you feel good. Fresh alarm Is proven to relieve stress and Its great for your body. So, running can be the answer to making you feel better and be a way to clear your mind. The fact that running improves your health is another reason why running is the best sport out there. Running has been proven to help lower blood pressure by maintaining the elasticity of the arteries. As a person runs, his or her arteries expand and contract more than usual, keeping the arteries elastic and the blood pressure low. Running also helps maximize the lungs potential, as it keeps them strong and powerful. While deep breaths force the lungs to use more tissue, the 50% of normally unused lung potential is utilized. Finally, running strengthens the heart and helps prevent heart attacks. The large muscle exercise helps keep the cardiac system efficient and strong. In fact, the heart of an Inactive person beats 36,000 more times ACH day than that of a runner, as running keep the arteries open and the blood flowing smoothly. Therefore, running Is a way to Improve your blood pressure, lung potential and strengthen your heart. In the end, there are many factors that contribute to making running the best sport ever. Keeping you In snaps, Glenn you an exceptional Russ Ana Tanat Its a way to improve your health is why running is such an amazing, world-wide sport. So when thinking about playing another sport, consider running, as it can change your life forever.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
The Biggest Myth About Research Papers on Gun Control Exposed
The Biggest Myth About Research Papers on Gun Control Exposed Most pro-gun control people would like you to feel that, the police are there to safeguard you. The biggest claim people who are anti-gun control have is it is taking away their rights to bear arms as a portion of the second amendment. When they talk about the militia many people believe that the National Guard is our guarantee for a free state. These folks argue that the Second Amendment was merely utilized to set the states'' organized military forces past the federal governments power in order to disarm them. The government ought to be quite careful deciding whether this man or woman should or shouldn't be permitted to carry a gun. You're able to say that numerous nations practice a policy of gun control for unique purposes. Some of the most rabid commentators on each side of the problem actually make very good pointsyou just need to get past all the screaming. Most people also think that the second amendment was placed so the citizens would be guarded from the tyrannical government that seemed to continue to keep men and women in fear. Furthermore, it is going to provide a concise analysis of gun control efforts. For instance, you can expose the present gun control regulations in your state or the present state of the discussion. Including the date you accessed an on-line source is currently optional. Remember that there is going to be very, not many sources (like the ones I used above) that are completely objective. The New Angle On Research Papers on Gun Control Just Released Given the strong feelings on either side of the problem, gun control legislation is not likely to fade as a divisive issue in the usa. When it comes to gun control, current security concerns posed by excessive guns and the simplicity of getting their power imply that action has to be taken immediately if we want to conserve the lives of others. In this instance, it can be, as an example, pro and anti gun control standpoints or between the people with these kinds of standpoints. Whether it usually means that a well-regulated law ought to be flexible or restricted is still a matter of controversy. Gun regulations have turned into an extremely controversial issue over time, but the sum of preventable and unnecessary death in america should be sufficient to force congress into passing laws on this problem. Having guns available to anybody in a house at any time can result in serious troubles, injuries or deaths. The USA has the maximum gun ownership rate on the planet in little ar ms the ones which are most typical kind found in the hand of a civilian. For a license you are going to have background check and have to be at least 21 decades old. Guns are part of U.S. culture. Reducing Gun Violence in the usa. Gun regulations should be placed in place to stop guns reaching the hands of individuals who are mentally unstable and to stop mass shootings so as to preserve the innocence of the following generation. If guns weren't simple to get then Sandy Hook Elementary would be normal and all those parents wouldn't be childless. There's hardly a topic more controversial topic than gun control so that you won't need to fret about that. The Los Angeles Times is a Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper which has been in publication for at least 134 decades. In reality, gun crime statistics reveal that uncontrolled gun ownership will result in more gun crime and ultimately to anarchy. Controlling handguns, for example, limits the range of new gun proprietors thus limiting the chance of more crime being committed. The counterargument of the majority of proponents of gun rights concentrate on the emotional condition of somebody who commits a homicide rather than the means by which a homicide gets p ossible. The Debate Over Research Papers on Gun Control In gun control argumentative essay, it's one of best methods to pick from. Get help with precisely what you need so that you may find this assignment from the way and continue on to better things (or the next assignment). Writing-Expert service will gladly supply you with a customized essay of top quality. Follow these 3 steps to compose an ideal gun control essay. Things You Should Know About Research Papers on Gun Control In truth, it is a pertinent truth that explicitly illustrates the point I want to make. In the duration of your pre-writing procedure, you will have the ability to modify your topic on the go to make it even more original and exciting. On the bright side, you usually won't need to select a fixed topic and adhere to it. If it comes down to sensitive topics like gun control, there are only a few people which do not pick a side.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Essay Topics That Will Get Your 6th Grade Nonfiction Essay Published
Essay Topics That Will Get Your 6th Grade Nonfiction Essay PublishedWhen writing a nonfiction essay for your 6th grade students, you may need to select the appropriate essay topic. There are several options that are available to you that will help you decide on the correct one. The subject of this essay can vary from politics, education, religion, to self-help books.One of the most popular topics that are used by students in their 6th grade nonfiction essays is politics. They cover topics such as why we elect our leaders, how they are chosen, and who runs our country. Students learn about how the government runs things in this topic.Another popular topic is education. It is one of the best topics that students use for their essay topic because it is written in a simple and straight forward manner. The learning materials are very useful in writing an education based essay.Religion is another topic that is used by students in their essays. Although religion is very important in the Uni ted States, many people are not comfortable with discussing religion in an essay. However, some people think that an essay about religion can be enlightening to the reader.Self-help is also a popular topic in writing an essay. When writing an essay on self-help, students learn that the most important aspect of a life is that you enjoy life. As a result, writing about self-help is very useful in creating awareness of how one should live.Some of the best essay topics are ones about award-winning book authors. When writing this type of essay, students learn that there are very few types of authors that are successful in getting people to buy their book. The essays that are being written on award-winning book authors provide insights on how a new book could have been successful if the author had written it differently.Other topics that are used for educational activities are those that help children learn. Teachers have the option of including topics that teach children how to read and write. This type of topic allows the students to gain an interest in reading and writing.By using the above mentioned essay topics, students will find that they are able to write a well-written essay. These essay topics have been researched and studied extensively. Therefore, the essay topics are the best possible topics for an essay. The topic can either be the introduction or the conclusion to the essay.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Students Will Implement a 5 Step Plan For Writing a Mission Statement Essay
Students Will Implement a 5 Step Plan For Writing a Mission Statement EssayStudents will implement a 5 step plan for writing a mission statement essay. These steps can help students become better writers. They are designed to motivate the students to write.The first step, students should take is to make sure they are clear about what they are writing about. They must be clear about their personal goals and why they need to write the essay. This is one of the first steps students should take and it shows their own interest in writing.Students should then decide how they want to begin writing. They can do this by putting themselves in another's shoes and imagining how the person would write the essay. It is important that they see themselves as a part of the writer. They must show their interest in other people by showing empathy and creativity in their writing.Students should then write the rest of the essay as a response to the other's essay. They should include their perspective on the issue. They should take into consideration all sides of the issue. This is one way they can help the other students to become better writers.The second step, students should take is to write the other's essay. They should write a third person essay that will summarize the arguments the person wrote in their essay. In order to do this, they should include other things in their writing like their emotions, experiences, and the way they feel about it.The third step is to become a successful student. They should practice writing the essay throughout the day. They should feel confident and in control of the entire project. They should learn to accept responsibility for writing the essay.The fourth step is to continue the challenge by giving the other person the opportunity to rewrite their essay. They can do this in an informal setting or in front of a group of students. They should keep writing until the project is complete.The fifth step is to commit to writing an essay with their personal goals in mind. They should take the lessons learned from the first two steps and make sure they continue to make progress. They should keep writing to be successful in their mission statement essay.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Accountancy Research Essay Topics - Two Essential Elements You Must Have
Accountancy Research Essay Topics - Two Essential Elements You Must HaveIf you want to find the perfect solution for your future accounting research, you need to know the details and concepts associated with accounting research essay topics. Whether you're applying for a job in a corporation or a college in another country, you need to pay attention and to pay extra attention to the elements that will help you get a better grade and a better job opportunity.Accounting research is usually very time consuming and stressful. Many students and other professionals do not have the time for it and are bound to fail with their efforts to get someone to help them with the essay questions. How can you minimize the stress and pressure of this type of project? By developing the skill of effective research skills.This means that you need to develop the skills of writing good research essays. The best way to do this is by thinking out of the box. Even if you're using a traditional computer with a dictionary and a calculator, you should still try to do things differently.Your research should always be done online. You can try doing your research on the Internet, and even if you find some answer, you can correct the wrong information, make sure that it's accurate, and keep any unnecessary information away from the research. In fact, you should give yourself enough time to go over your research essay topic before you even start.You also need to have a look at your resume, cover letter, and call for letters. Your resume should showcase your work history, skills, and achievements. Make sure that you highlight those aspects that you are already capable of and don't necessarily want to develop.Writing the research questions and answering them is equally important. Even if you have answered the research questions yourself, try to put together some basic questions that will test your knowledge and abilities. Once you have done this, you can proceed to the research essay topics. Start with the general outline of the topic, then go on to more detailed versions and finally add some extra information about the projects, events, and people involved in the topic.The most important element in the research essay topics is the substance. It should include a review of the history of accounting and some relevant facts regarding the subject. Since a good research essay is a mixture of ideas and facts, try to keep these two essential ingredients in mind: the facts and the ideas.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
I Stand Here Ironing Analysis Freshmen English Essay Example
I Stand Here Ironing Analysis Freshmen English Essay Example I Stand Here Ironing Analysis Freshmen English Essay I Stand Here Ironing Analysis Freshmen English Essay Short Story Essay There were three things that affected the overall mood of the short story I Stand Here Ironing. The choice of perspective, which was first person, played a major factor. The mood was also influenced by various methods of characterization used by Olsen in the story. The last thing that affected the mood was different stereotypes that were incorporated into the story. The overall mood of the story was remorseful. The perspective greatly impacted the mood throughout the course of the story. Most of the story happened in the motherââ¬â¢s mind. Even though this doesnââ¬â¢t actually affect the mood of the story, the story would have never made sense without a first person perspective. Also, you can tell her emotions when she has the flashbacks, like when she tells of something she wishes she had done for Emily, you can tell she feels guilty. ââ¬Å"What in me demanded this goodness? And what was the cost, the cost to her of such goodnessâ⬠(Olsen 211). ââ¬Å"Twice, only twice, when I had to get up for Susan anyhow, I went in to sit with herâ⬠(Olsen 212). This shows that the mother wishes she had been a better parent for Emily. This is how the perspective of the story affected the mood in the short story I Stand Here Ironing. The different methods of characterization Olsen used to describe her characters also influenced the mood of the story. Emily was described as a dark-haired, thin girl who was reserved and almost never smiled. The mom feels like this is her fault and if she had given the girl more reassurance she would have smiled more and not felt so bad about how she looked. Months later she told me how she had taken pennies from my purse to buy him candy. ââ¬ËLicorice was his favorite and I brought him some every day, but he still liked Jennifer betterââ¬â¢n me. Why Mommyâ⬠(Olsen 213). The mom felt guilty that she hadnââ¬â¢t encouraged Emilyââ¬â¢s talents instead of frowning upon her faults. Most of all, she just wishes she had followed her own maternal instinct instead of just going by the book. Those are the ways that methods of characterization affected the mood in the story. The last thing that played a major factor in determining the mood of this story was all the different stereotypes weaved into the story-line. One stereotype was that the mother was the typical ââ¬Å"young motherâ⬠, always listening to exactly what the books say. ââ¬Å"Though her cries battered me to trembling and my breast ached with swollenness, I waited till the clock decreedâ⬠(Olsen 210). When the mother was with the other children, she waited until she thought it was long enough, not just going by the book. She also let other people talk her into making bad decisions for Emily. ââ¬Å"They persuaded me at the clinic to send her away to a convalescent home in the countryâ⬠(Olsen 212). Also, as the family grew, Emily had to help more and more. ââ¬Å"I was working, there were four smaller ones now, there was not time for her. She had to help be a mother, and housekeeper, and shopperâ⬠(Olsen 214). As the mother had more children, she grew wiser. ââ¬Å"She kept too much in herself; her life has been such she had to keep too much in herself. My wisdom came too lateâ⬠(Olsen 215). As for Emily, she was the complete opposite of the stereotype that all girls at that time should be ââ¬Å"a chubby blonde replica of Shirley Templeâ⬠(Olsen 213). The mother never comforted her about this and wished that she had. This is how stereotypes influenced the mood of the story. I Stand Here Ironing had a very remorseful mood. The mother was inexperienced and often put Emily in situations that she shouldnââ¬â¢t have put her in. She was extremely guilty about this and has regretted it ever since.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
American folk Essay Example For Students
American folk Essay The dancer is a man wearing leather boots, loose fitting red silk pants, and a white shirt with colored embroidering down the middle. His hair is shaved to the scalp except for a small circle on the top of his head, where the hair is about half a foot long. He squats down low, and kicks his feet out with his body upright and his arms folded. The dance has a historic meaning behind it, dating back to when Russia took over Ukraine. A group of organized rebels known as the Cossacks, who hoped to end Russian Rule, isolated themselves in a fort in the Carpathian Mountains. The dancer symbolizes a triumphant Cossack warrior. During festivals and other celebrations, the Hopak was a common dance. This dance is still taught to Ukrainian Americans today, starting at age seven. At Ukrainian debutante balls, the men who know the dance do it during a specific song, which is played at every ball. There are also professional dance groups who perform the Hopak around the United States and Canada. The dancers today still wear the traditional clothing, but the hairstyle has become much less common. Many Ukrainians forget the dance with time, but those who remember it take great pride in their ability and perform the dance at nearly every ball and celebration they attend. This dance exists as a representation of Ukraines history, in particular the conflict with Russia. However, in the past, it served an entirely different function. The Hopak originates from the Kozac, which is an older Ukrainian dance. The Kozac is named after the Cossacks, who performed it, and its essentially the workout they performed to warm up for battle. The movements were part of a regime of calisthenics to keep the Cossacks fit for battles. The refined Hopak is similar, but with more difficult dance maneuvers, such as leaping and twirling. To Ukrainians, the Hopak represents the Cossacks, who gave their lives to protect Ukrainian culture as Russia outlawed the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian books. The Hopak exists today to remind Ukrainians of their heritage and to serve as a source of nationalism. Ukrainian debutante balls have many similarities to American debutante balls, but the differences are important.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Joan of Arc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Joan of Arc - Essay Example For this reason, the world continues to remember these people long after their demise. One such person who epitomizes selflessness is Joan of Arc, also known as the Maid of France. Joan of Arc overcame challenges that appeared insurmountable at her time and got unheralded achievements. Joan of Arc lived in an era when women did not take a centre stage in matters regarding leadership with male dominance being the order of the day. In the same period, nations engaged one another in wars, which made it a challenge for women to take a leading role. This expose gives an analysis of Joan of Arc's life and the accomplishments, which made her break from the traditional self-image of women. Commonly referred as the Maid of France, Joan of Arc was born in 1412 to Jacques dââ¬â¢Arc and Isabeau Romee, poor farmers at Domremy in the valley of the Meuse (Newman 431). As a young peasant girl, Joan received an education similar to other peasant girls. In this regard, she did not learn how to read and write, but Joan learnt sewing, spinning and repeating the Ave Maria. For someone who went through an informal system of education, it is ironical that Joan of Arc became a subject to many literary works by acclaimed authors. More ironical is that Joan of Arc died at the age of nineteen years (Stanhope 4). Nonetheless, famous English writers such as Shakespeare and Holinshed reviled Joan of Arc, while Southey and Schiller idealized her work with Voltaire ridiculing her (Stone 3). However, for a young girl whose childhood activities included tending to her fatherââ¬â¢s flocks and working in the fieldââ¬â¢s, Joan of Arc became a symbol of what Mark Twain referred as a ââ¬Å"peerless human beingâ⬠(Stone 5). In addition, Mark Twain called her ââ¬Å"the most extraordinary person the human race has ever producedâ⬠with George Bernard Shaw calling her ââ¬Å"the queerest fish among the eccentric worthies of the Middle Agesâ⬠(Knopf 151). As a young girl, Joan of Arc did not demonstrate any extraordinary acts of boldness and heroism. In fact, Joan of Arc appeared timid when speaking to strangers with her neighbors referring her as a simple-minded though a compassionate girl (Stanhope 4). Joan of Arcââ¬â¢s acts of compassion included tending and nursing the sick and accommodating any wayfarer who found their way to Joanââ¬â¢s home. In addition, Joan was an embodiment of a pious life, which in many cases made her a subject of ridicule by her neighbors and other people. In the fields, Joan would kneel and pray in solitude and go to church and make devotions, which made her spend her pastime in a manner different from the children her age (Stanhope 5). In effect, this young girl started defining her own path at an early age, differentiated from her age mates. Instead of spending time with her peers playing in the fields after spending the day herding or in the farms, Joan of Arcââ¬â¢s commitment to God at her age was exceptional. While Joan was growing up, France was undergoing a series of conflicts between them and England, in the famous period of the Hundred Yearsââ¬â¢ of War. During Joanââ¬â¢s life in particular, the infant King of England, Henry VI of England, was proclaimed King of France, leaving the rightful heir, Charles the dauphin, holding his weakened courts in a few French provinces (Barstow, ââ¬Å"Joan of Arcâ⬠31). At this time, Joan was only thirteen years, and she had started experiencing visions regarding her being the person who would deliver France
Sunday, February 9, 2020
What Are the Different Kinds of Research Papers?
What Are the Different Kinds of Research Papers?You have just started doing your research papers for your upcoming exam, and you have questions that need to be answered. This is the best time to get an answer to your questions!There are various study groups that specialize in conducting research papers. You will need to make a decision on which groups to join to get all the help you need. They offer guidance and understanding of the various studies required to fulfill your course requirements.In the past, these groups would tell you how to prepare for your subject and help you with your degree requirements. But now, with the Internet, you can do your own research on your own. This is what makes this format so popular. It has also helped many students with their course requirements.When you are doing your course requirements and need to do research papers, you need to find out which type of study group can help you with your information needs. The way they do this will help you decide if they can meet your requirements.One of the different types of study groups is a research method that is known as focus groups. The research method requires you to interview various people that are involved in various aspects of your topic. This helps you to learn from each and every one of the participants.Another type of study group is known as the expert panel and is focused on examining the different areas of research methods. They will give advice to the researcher and will ask about different topics. They will analyze each aspect that is presented, and they will compare the results of each method.Doing your research papers with the help of focus groupsor the expert panel will help you with your research process. These methods will make sure that you stay current in your studies, and you will know what you need to study.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Research Paper Topics on Cambodia Exposed
Research Paper Topics on Cambodia Exposed Research Paper Topics on Cambodia: No Longer a Mystery In fact, most topics for research papers are much too big for a couple pages. You must write a minumum of one research paper in a semester for most of the subjects. Free sample research paper topics on Cambodia, if chosen carefully, might be thought of as an excellent supply of structured and appropriate information that can help you to experience the shadowy method of scientific writing. Through using college research paper examples, students will be in a position to understand the proper format of how the in text citation and references ought to be accomplished. Be quick to satisfy our English research paper topics for high school so you'll finish your paper punctually. If you must write only a single paper at the conclusion of the period, you can breathe out as you are blessed. When you're writing your research paper's introduction, you ought to be building it around a particular outline that supplies a general review of the paper. Needless to say, deciding on the proper topic for your research paper is the very first and most critical step on the best way to writing the paper itself. A paper is always simpler to write if you're interested in the subject, and you're going to be more motivated to do in-depth research and compose a paper that genuinely covers the full subject. Make using the suggested research paper topic ideas and you'll be prosperous. When picking your research paper topic, you must make certain it is neither boring nor worn out. Pick the research paper topic that you're interested in. Once you get your subject, you will need to think about the question which is to be tackled as regards your research paper topic. You ought to be certain to understand everything clearly once you opt for an essay topic. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! Deciding on a topic for a research paper is not simple in any way. The entire research should be constructed around or from the subject. When you choose a research topic, make certain it is one which you understand and have a firm grasp on. Naturally, selecting a research topic is simply the startwriting a thriving research paper is hard. You should make an effort to decide on a topic for your research subject based on the instructions of your professor. So it's worth taking a close look at the proposed list of fantastic essay topics above! You must write a very good research paper, and the topic you've chosen must be fully developed. Following are a few of the advised sociology essay topic for those students that are unable to decide on a great topic for their assignment. There are occasions when you're assigned with the topic but more frequently, you will need to create a topic on your own. The Research Paper Topics on Cambodia Game If you're still confused about which area, you want to work with, we advise you to ask your advisor for some extra assistance. In the event you find some topics, many of the students are unable to turn them into impressive research topics, and as such they wind up with lots of of rushed work that fails them in the future. A whole lot of students are usually confronted with the problem of locating good topics to write on. A whole lot of students have a tendency to undermine the writing procedure and leave for the past few days. Choose several topics which you find interesting and brainstorm. Selecting a research topic is something which everyone mostly goes about in the incorrect way. Do not be scared to conduct a comprehensive research. Talk about your research ideas with your pals. Research Paper Topics on Cambodia: No Longer a Mystery Vietnam War is among the best wars that ever happened in the history of earth. Cambodia seems to stay quiet, but it's strong enough to be a potent nation. For me, Bangkok has a comprehensive entertainment package that may take my mind off all worries of the planet. Ways for improving the caliber of education in Cambodia.
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